My name is Tim Gourley.
Creative Endeavors
I am a creator. My preferred mediums are electronic music and the written word.
At an early age I decided that I wanted to be a writer and a musician, having works published for the world to consume. Since then I’ve created a ton of digital music and written several books (thanks to the National Novel Writing Month).
I started my journey into health and running back in late 2016 after experiencing several serious health issues directly related to my weight. At the time I weighed over 300 pounds. I’m not exactly sure by how much because my scale at the time topped out at 300. You can read more about my weight loss journey on Runner’s World.
The health scares were a wake-up call for me and I started my journey losing weight by counting calories. I logged everything I ate into My Fitness Pal and was brutally honest with myself about the amount of food I was eating without thinking about it.
A year later I lost over 130 pounds, and I’ve maintained that weight-loss ever since.

I picked up running during my weight loss journey. It’s not how I lost weight, but it helped give me some extra calories per day to work with. The primary thing it has done for me is get me into a healthy shape, both physically and mentally.
Currently, I’m training to run a variety of marathons and will be stepping up into ultras very soon.
In 2019, I am participating in the Route 66 Marathon Ambassadors program. I get free race entry and VIP status, but the reason I’m doing it is to spread the word of this particular race.
When I am not running and getting fit, I work professionally as a software engineer for Phase 2 in Oklahoma City. I do Ruby, Javascript, mobile (iOS/Android), and C# .NET development.
Get In Touch
You can find me on these sites:
- SoundCloud - Listen to my synth music
- - Read the things I write
- Strava - Follow my activities on Strava
- therealtimgourley - Instagram
- Github - All my code and projects
- LinkedIn - Connect with me for my work experience
- Facebook - Send me a friend request
- - Mastodon